Mit den besten 12 Panorama-Kunstwerken der virtuellen Tour bietet der Kalender "Edition 2025" jeden Monat absolute Hingucker mit superschönen Hamburg-Motiven und tierisch realistisch anmutenden Fake-Szenarien. Sieh selbst, auf Klick öffnen sich die Bilder des Monats:
Hamburg-Kalender - Edition 2025 Wandkalender (60 x 30 cm) 29,95.- Euro
Unsere bunte Auswahl an Postern mit den besten Shots sind absolute Eye-Catcher. Ganz neu: "Hamburg Best of", DIN-A-1 mit insgesamt 88 Locations. Mehr Hamburg geht nicht... Ausserdem: Themen-Postern "Mix", "Natur" oder "St.Pauli/Kiez" in Din-A-2 Hochkant-Format mit jeweils 4 Motiven.
Hamburg Best Of Voller Stolz präsentieren wir insgesamt 88 Locations in Hamburg. Unser "Daimler" ... Din-A-2 (42 x 59,4 cm) 14.95,- Euro
Hamburg Mix Rathausmarkt, St. Michaelis-Kirche (Turm), Speicherstadt Hinterhof, U-Bahnhof Überseequartier Din-A-2 (42 x 59.4 cm) 14.95,- Euro
Hamburg Natur Planten un Blomen, Boberger Dünen, Sonnenblumen Barsbüttel, Elbstrand Wittenbergen Din-A-2 (42 x 59.4 cm) 14.95,- Euro
Hamburg St.Pauli/Kiez Hans-Albers-Platz, Orang and the f... Utans (Molly Malone), Davidwache, Washington Bar Din-A-2 (42 x 59.4 cm) 14.95.- Euro
Limitierte Auflage
Hamburg St. Michaelis-Kirche (Turm) Limitierte Auflage (250 Stück), schwarzer Rahmen (60 x 30 cm) 59,- Euro
Wir haben nicht alle Motive der virtuellen Tour als Einzel-Prints auf Lager. Weitere Prints im Einzelbildformat erstellen wir gerne auf Anfrage (auf Wunsch inklusive Rahmen).
Right now you probably have the time for some action, but not the budget? No problem, get a new media tool for your place with almost no cost involved! Our german team is creating virtual tours, tourism videos, responsive webdesign and aerial & ground photography for Hotels, Villas & Guesthouses. We are supported by, the first website for travel agents in Germany. That`s why we can offer great deals with our barter agreements! We will bring the tourists to pay the bill... Let's do something cool for your place and get in touch with the german market!
Check out our services:
Virtual Tours Almost there ...
We show places - as if you are there. Totally different from still shots or video. Let your potential guest explore, what you have to offer in a interactive way.
With our drones we will get you airborne and in combination with our cameras on the ground and under water we produce videos for website and social media.
"... Once you have seen these virtual tours, you want your place presented like this! Better than still shots, different to video. This way my guests can explore my place and the attractions nearby before they travel. Wonderful!..."
We will supply 3aerial photographs from the shoot for your immediate use. Angles and views can be photographed that have never been available before.
You will get a virtual tour with 6 interactive panoramic views. One of them "from the air" if possible. 3 aerial photographs for website, social or print media are included.